I have decided to solve problems by Chunking them.

Remy Ohajinwa
2 min readJan 12, 2020


I love solving and cracking problems, and I love working and learning with other solution enthusiasts.

This is the very first of the many blog posts I will be putting up. I decided to start writing for the following reasons:

· To reveal my thought process as a beginner in solving Data Structures and Algorithm problems for both developers and aspiring developers/problem solvers. I hope that viewing my updates will enable someone to discover a solution or gain some insight.

· To receive constructive feedback and learn from my audience better ways to solve the problems I encounter on the projects I will be putting up here.

· To steadily build a community of learners and problem solvers who can grow with me on my journey to becoming a better problem solver.

To kick off this blog, I will be starting with algorithm questions from Leetcode, Hackkerrank, GeekforGeeks and other similar platforms. The importance of solving algorithm problems cannot possibly be overemphasized. As a developer, it is important that you understand how to analyze and solve problems in the fastest time possible. I have learned overtime that the way to learn to become a pro at solving problems really fast in real time is to practice, and you can never have too much practice.

To solve problems quickly and effectively, it is best to break the problem into comprehensible chunks, take them one after the other and resolve them. This way, the problem is easier to understand and manage. In my blog posts, I will be putting out questions/problems, and I’ll be solving them in chunks. Hence, the unusual blog name.

For each question, I will be explaining the first, naive or brute force solution that came to my mind at the sight of the question. Most times the first approach may not the best solution. This is what is called the naive or brute force approach. This naive approach is usually very slow and as such the solution may run out of time on some test cases. I will go on to talk about the subsequent approaches I took to make the solution better. After that, I will explain one of the best solutions that can be gotten online.

Right now, my blog is still in the development process, and so I will be using this platform to put out content.

Are you excited to crack problems with me in chunks? Check out my first solution

Tell me what you think in the comment section.



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